Saturday, December 15, 2018

What works

Waste no time
In what all do
Trying to know
What works
Issue nonetheless
Is so sublime
In reality here
Way the way is
Whatever works

देश का कलाम

हम तो बस पढ़ते हैं देश का कलाम
अपनी तरफ से हम ये देते हैं पैगाम
देश का नाम न हो कभी हमसे बदनाम
पहले पूछते हैं लोग देश का ही नाम
खुद की खातिर भी करो देश को सलाम
देश के नाम से जुड़ा हम सब का नाम
अपनी फितरत से करो देश के भी काम
देश से हम देश हमसे है ये रखो बात थाम
हम तो बस पढ़ते हैं देश का कलाम


जीने का तो मक़्सद होता है
उम्र तो यूं भी गुजर जाती है
लेकिन हम कहां समझते हैं

ज़िन्दगी सिर्फ़ अपनी नहीं
इसमें कई किरदार होते हैं
लेकिन हम कहां समझते हैं!

ये रास्ते कभी मिलते नहीं हैं
आस-पास होते गुजर जाते हैं
लेकिन हम कब समझते हैं!

अच्छाइयां याद रखनी चाहिए
बुराइयां तो सब याद रखते हैं
लेकिन हम ये कहां समझते हैं!

जीवन में सुविधा बढ़ाने के लिए
सब लोग जटिलतायें ले आते हैं
हक़ीक़तन हम कहां समझते हैं!

औरों की सुन उनका नज़रिया लें
अपने हित की बात सब करते हैं
लेकिन हम औरों की कम सुनते हैं!

जीवन-व्यवहार में सरलता लाइये
इसी से मन व संबंध सरल बनते हैं
लेकिन हम शायद कम समझते हैं!

ख़ुद को सुधार नसीहत दीजिए
औरों को सब सुधारना चाहते हैं
लेकिन सब लोग कहां समझते हैं!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happiness Hormones

*The Secret of Happiness*

There are *four hormones* which determine a human's happiness - *Endorphins, Dopamine, Serotonin, and Oxytocin*.

*Endorphins*. When we exercise, the body releases Endorphins. This hormone helps the body cope with the pain of exercising. We then enjoy exercising because these Endorphins will make us happy. Laughter is another good way of generating Endorphins. We need to spend 30 minutes exercising every day, read or watch funny stuff to get our day's dose of Endorphins.

*Dopamine*. In our journey of life, we accomplish many little and big tasks, it releases various levels of Dopamine. When we get appreciated for our work at the office or at home, we feel accomplished and good, that is because it releases Dopamine. This also explains why most housewives are unhappy since they rarely get acknowledged or appreciated for their work. Once, we join work, we buy a car, a house, the latest gadgets, a new house so forth. In each instance, it releases Dopamine and we become happy. Now, do we realize why we become happy when we shop?

*Serotonin* is released when we act in a way that benefits others. When we transcend ourselves and give back to others or to nature or to the society, it releases Serotonin. Even, providing useful information on the internet like writing information blogs, answering people's questions on Quora or Facebook groups will generate Serotonin. That is because we will use our precious time to help other people via our answers or articles.

*Oxytocin*, is released when we become close to other human beings. When we hug our friends or family Oxytocin is released. The "Jhadhoo Ki Jhappi" from Munnabhai does really work. Similarly, when we shake hands or put our arms around someone's shoulders, various amounts of Oxytocin is released.

Now, we can understand why we need to hug a child who has a bad mood.So, it is simple, we have to exercise every day to get Endorphins, we have to accomplish little goals and get Dopamine, we need to be nice to others to get Serotonin and finally hug our kids, friends, and families to get Oxytocin and we will be happy. When we are happy, we can deal with our challenges!

Monday, June 25, 2018

अपनी दुनियां

इतनी भी बड़ी नहीं
जितनी कि सोचते हैं
दुनियां को कुछ लोग
मैंने देखा है लोगों को
अपनी-अपनी ही एक
छोटी सी दुनियां में
सिमटे, जीते, बसर करते
औरों से अनजान से
इनके लिए इन्हीं के हैं
कल, आज और कल भी
बाकी सब से बेख़बर
इतिहास, भूगोल, समाज
देश-परिवेश, अर्थ, विज्ञान
इन्हें सब बौने लगते हैं
इनकी उस छोटी सी
अपनी दुनियां के आगे

Debt of Heart and Soul

They raised me as best could
I was also sure an apple of eyes
My parents too thought of me
As special like those all of yours
Making me stand steady and tall
Indebting sure my heart and soul
When it comes to our turn we fail
Often for the reasons very selfish
A contribution of them in our lives
Focusing on self and the offsprings
And the history comes to full circle
When on receiving side one comes
Most of us end up having the regrets
But it’s then late in our life and times
I wonder if ancient wisdom was better!

महफिल खयालात की

गुमसुम हैं आज
खयालों में हम
लेकिन सजी है
महफिल अभी
खयालात की
कई तरह के हैं
कभी बनते से
कहीं बिगड़ गए हैं
चलता रहता है
यहां बदलाव भी
इनके अपने ढंग
टकराव भी हैं
तुम नहीं समझोगे
तुम्हारे अलग होंगे
ये मेरे अपने हैं
कोई बज़्म से
इनके अंदाज़ हैं
कभी कुछ कभी और
चलते हर तरफ़
ये मेरे साथ भी
मैं इनके साथ

New Day

Brings new hopes
Inspires to move
In search of joy
Each day everyday
Past left behind
But future is ahead
Today a foundation
For life happy,joyous
Making no resolves
Getting ahead with
Not complaining much
Most things here fine
Embedding a silver line
Keep hopes benign!

Monday, June 11, 2018

ख़्वाबों की मस्ती

इस दिल के झरोखों से कहीं
ख़्वाबों की मस्ती दिखती है
मन के हर कोने में बसी
चाहत की बस्ती दिखती है
फूलों में कहीं कोंपलों में कभी
बाग़ों की बहार में दिखे कभी
अपनेपन की मस्ती रहती है

कभी देखूँ धरती को मैं
आसमाँ में कभी झाँकूँ
तारों में चंदा सूरज में
नदियों और पहाड़ों में
पेड़ों के पत्तों हर डाली में
एक कसक सी बसती है
मन के हर कोने में बसी
चाहत की बस्ती दिखती है

हमदम मेरे और हमसफ़र
सुख के मेरे दुःख के साथी
हर पड़ाव में हर प्रयास में
हर पल जीवन के लम्हों में
मेरी मुहब्बत हँसती रहती है
मन के हर कोने में बसी
चाहत की बस्ती दिखती है

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Democratise Indian Legislatures

India’s deep rooted democracy has several in democratic and non-democratic practices. On the face of it it looks a good system based on democratic egos and principles. The truth, however, leads on questions and questionable behaviour.

There have always been ruling parties or ruling coalitions in power without any senblances of a mojority votes by people. Of course there have been exceptions in the beginning; soon after the independence from colonial rule.

What would be more prudent is proportional representation system for the political parties in the legislatures and Parliament. This would ensure that the party or the coalition in power will sure have the votes of majority.

The role on money and muscle power must be stopped or minimised. Online voting, with secure identification, in a transparent way should pave way for voting by the tech.savvy voters and those away for whatever reasons.

Political parties may be mandated to have proportional representation of women in legislatures.

Only people with clean records should be eligible to be holding public offices. Hate speeches, baseless allegations, foul language and abuses should be banned and punishable.

The hype created by all political parties,lobbyists, media should be controlled through code of conduct.

False declarations on qualifications, fake degrees,under disclosure on income and properties should be good reasons for disqualification and appropriate punishment under law.

The sum and substance is the aberrations of democratic principles and practices must stop and votes based proportional representation should prevail.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Stealing Moments

Whenever I look back
It seems journey long
When I keep moving on
Sounds as yesteryear
I would then wonder
If it was any better
Looking at Year by year
Now and every year
For the past and next
Time period is fixed
But times keep repeating
Ways weird and several
Of life and the lifetime
Stealing moments no hard
Even in those busy times
So will time look real
In the hindsight for us
Living by stealing moments


Guwahati like all other cities in India and other countries has fast developed roads and infrastructure.But the problem of overcrowding of city and it’s traffic has also grown disproportionately.

This being the gateway to India’s most North Eastern states, impacts on the congestion in city and its roads; leading to traffic jams and pollution. Thankfully rains do their bit to clean up the air intermittently.

But the questions on seamless city life and avoiding perils from development remain. A quality living should entail good town planning and infrastructure in the same vein.

Perhaps they need to get together and develop their tourism circuits in common. Tourism potential are great in Asssam and NE states Of India and can be a game changer in times to come. It would result in synergy and invaluable resources as well as employment generation in these states.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Perils of Technology

The aftermath of
Near invasion of
Technology gains
Undergoing people
A metamorphosis
Robots like people
Animal like ways
Even worst too
Mechanical ways
Unreal instincts
Broken are homes
Strained relations
Living in stress
To prove ambitions
Yet lonely souls
In a World virtual
Living on junk food
No right or wrong
Even wrong a right
Fallacy of progress
At all our fronts
Personal and social
Local or national
Even international
A race to excel
Defined in own ways!

Saturday, March 17, 2018


जाने कितने दावा करते हैं
ख़ुद पर दारोमदार का
जहाॅ तरक्क़ी नज़र आई
मानो वही तरक्क़ीनशीं हैं
बग़ैर कुछ किए ही कर गए
सब उन्हीं की है रहनुमाई
अब बस भी करो यारो
ज़रा उनको मिलने दो तवज्ज़ो
जिनकी वज़ह से तरक्क़ी हुई

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


उसने आज फिर
मिठास भर ली थी
बातचीत के अन्दाज़ में
शायद मुझसे अपेक्षा थी
हाल में उसने की थी बात
बड़ी उपेक्षा व उलाहने से
तब कोई काम न था मुझसे
दोनों अवसरों पर मैंने
कोई प्रतिकार नही किया था
शायद जान बूझकर मैंने
जो भी कर सकता था
किया था अवश्य मैंने
वरना अपनी ही नज़र में
गिर गया होता मैं शायद
उसी के स्तर पर मैं भी

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Limits Limiting

People around me
When I see disheartened
For reasons both
With or without me
It makes me saddened
Not for my wilful reasons
But at times, to me
My helplessness
Overriding my intents
And all my efforts
Unknown to them
Or not recognized
My endeavors disappear
In results they expect
For no faults of mine
Despite all my efforts
To salvage the issues
I do feel guilty within
Yet helpless outside
For my limits limiting!

Sunday, February 18, 2018


न ये मेरी है न तेरी है
ज़िन्दग़ी शायद हमारी है
जितना जानो बहकाती है
न अपनी सी न बेग़ानी है
उम्मीदों की हमसफर ये है
दो पल की बस कहानी है
कोई इसे कहीं समझा नहीं
हर कहीं ये तो अनजानी है
इसकी हर शै हरदिलअज़ीज़
ये तो बस आनी जानी है
चलती रहे कोई कुछ भी कहे
ठहरी कभी पर इसमें रवानी है
न कोई इसे जाने न पहचाने
ख़्वाबों सी पर ये सुहानी है
उलझी उलझी सी कभी लगे
मानो ये दास्तां एक पुरानी है

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Interesting is blame-game
Everyone here just loves
Passing it on to others
Just to protect own name
Nations, people, coworkers
Everyone loves this game
When it get very personal
Individuals join the game
But we all seldom realize
Two sides are in each game
Accept it or not anyone
You always share the blame
In so many ways we share
Even with denying the blame
Those who accept to resoolve
Don't indulge in blame-game
In every way if you accuse
You invited the new blame
Introspect and accommodate
Others often may not blame
Make new beginning in harmony
It's worth trying not to blame!