Friday, April 29, 2011

Enlightened Communites

The growing tendency of preferring the 'self' to the 'society' or 'country'has increasingly created the distortions of growth and harmony in the societies across the World. Seeking self, is the manifestion of promoting the self-interest ahead of anything else and by following any means.

The ethics and moral values are now kept behind the agenda of the people in the competitive scenario. The aberrations like corruption, graft, unfair business and personal practices are the bye-product of this self seeking. When each one will want to be a billioniare, as quickly as possible, each one will adopt the means and methods of outsmarting others in the game. The will be so engrossed in the 'game' that noation of the society shall shift to the backburner.

This gives rise to the distortions and stress all around in the life and living. It is good to be ambitious and competitive; but not at the cost of the means. In today's society, there are many more opportunities for the entrepreneurs, with reasonable returns. Taking 'short cuts' may be more rewarding and time saving in the near-term but in the longer term, it vitiates the ovweall systems and relationships as well. A healthy competition is always good for the sustainable progress.

Unfortunately, looking at the others prosper faster, develops the spirit and intents of faster riches among the others and the vitious circle starts taking the centre-stage.The community support of avoidance on the 'right' paths following is also fading away. An enlightened community will always respect the ethical (yet poorer) members of the society, as compared to the unethical (may be richer)members and sections of the community.

The enighetenment of the community power is the demand of the day. The responsible members of the community have this onerous duty to preserve and promote the balance in the community; before it may be too late to act. They must propel the dignified way of acting and living in the systems and professions. The mantra is to 'shun' the errants and 'shield' and side the right thinking and followers of the rightous path.Amen!

1 comment:

Na said...

I agree with you..and if each individual seeks self before the billions, the aberrations will cease to exist