Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy New Year

Yet another new year is arriving
Like every year, year after year
We also wish good to everyone
Especially to those near and dear
Our complements and greetings
May remain another ‘lip service’
But it infuses the hope and spirit
Of togetherness and others’ care
Friendships too getting renewed
Of well being throughout the year
Exchange words of hope and joy
Once again say Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cold Weather

Many think of snow fall
The ‘white Xmas’ too
Waiting to enjoy them
In joyous winter chills
Fully draped in woolens
Cozy and comfortable
Playing around in joy
With plenty to spend for!
I think of the miseries of
People shivering with
And struggling to survive
In this biting cold weather
For them it’s a curse
Thrust on them by God
With no or few means
Awaiting spring season
Hoping to arrive soon!


डाक्टर साहब के पास गए थे
दिल का रोना लेकर जब अपने
बड़ी उम्मीद के साथ जो हम
डाक्टर तो बड़ा मवाली निकला
खून तो निकाल ही डाला था
न मालुम क्या क्या जांच को
फिर कई और विशेष जांच कर
दस तरह की दवाएं भी लिख दी
अब हम बिल का रोना रो रहे थे
दिलासा देते डाक्टर ने कहा था
ये भी तो देखो हमारा सुझाव
लगभग खाने की सब चीज़ बंद
अब खर्च बस दवा व इलाज का
फिर भी बिल का रोना रोते हो!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


उसकी एक झलक ने कभी
दुनियां आबाद की थी मेरी
सोते जागते बस वही चेहरा
दिखाई देने लगता था मुझे
एकतरफा ही सही लेकिन
मुझे तो एहसास था उसका
आज अचानक फिर वो चेहरा
मेरे समक्ष रूबरू मौजूद था
वक़्त ने उम्रदराज़ कर दिया
पर मुझे सब याद आता था
मेरी मुस्कराहट के राज का
उसने कारण जानना चाहा
मैं आज भी शर्मा गया था

Monday, December 20, 2010


सबको ये समझना ही होगा
अपने लिए जो नहीं मिला
वो दूसरों को तो मिल पाए
हमारा अपराध भाव घटेगा
चाहे अपनी ही दृष्टि में सही
हम आश्वस्त तो रहेंगे
हमने प्रयास तो किया था
जिनसे हमें अपेक्षा रही थी
वे तो ये कर नहीं पाए
पर हमसे वही करने में
कही कोई चूक न हो जाये


अब कर दो बंद ये सब तुम्हारी
सहानुभूति एवं इसका प्रदर्शन
वास्तव में भी तो यह है मात्र
एक सांकेतिक और शाब्दिक सी
कहीं किसी रोज़ ज़ब भी होगा
आभास हमारी पीड़ा का तुम्हें
तब ही फिर तुम बतलाना हमें
छोड़कर इन खोखले वादों को
घावों पर मलहम न भी सही
नमक छिड़कना बंद करो अब
अपनी राजनीति प्रदर्शन त्याग
हमें हमारे हाल पर तो रहने दो

Thursday, December 16, 2010


अश्क बन के आज थे बहने लगे
इश्क में जो संजोये सारे ज़ज्बात
आंसुओं से ज़ख्म धुलने थे लगे
मेरे दिल के अब वो दिन ओ रात
संभलने की मेरी कोशिशों पर
वक़्त चलता ही रहा था साथ साथ
वक़्त ने धुंधले किये थे सब मेरे
सारे गम और ज़ख्म मेरे एक साथ
लम्हा लम्हा पास आती ही गई
फिर ख़ुशी की अब नई थी वारदात
फिर से थे अब याद आने भी लगे
ख्वाब से वो मेरे सारे वाक़यात

Wheel of Misfortune

The simians are back
And the minions too
Simians aping around
In every possible way
Minions serving masters
Their own brutal ways
Amidst suffer the people
Have none other way
The wheel of misfortune
Has come again in sway
Common man is tortured
Every new different day
Yet they retain with them
Hopes’ even a small ray
Fighting in their utmost
Come whatever it may

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Empire Building

New Empire Building
The ‘isms’ of the globe fading
Political systems synergizing
Once again is now everyone
Focused on climate changing
Thanks to the over utilization
Resources on earth finishing
Call to save the Earth is now
Louder than earlier sounding
It’s time now to work together
Song! All nations are singing
Protect or perish your Earth
Is the only option remaining
The hawks though are active
Still for own gains are working
Powerful nations still looking
For the ‘new Empire building’


भुला देना चाहता हूँ मैं
उन क़फासत के लम्हों को
जो अब तक भी हावी हैं
जेहन में भी काबिज़ मेरे
फिर से नई रुत आयेगी
एक नए मेहताब के साथ
गुल ओ गुलज़ार रोशन होंगे
एक नई सुबह के साथ
मैं भी तब कोशिश करूँगा
एक और नई शुरुआत की
घड़ियाँ ख़त्म हो जाएँगी
इस लम्बे एक इंतजार की

Monday, December 13, 2010


फिर से वही पुरानी वारदातें
अनचाही सी खबरें आज भी
कुछ मारे गए कुछ घायल
कई बलात्कार और लूटपाट
कुछ और भ्रष्टाचार, कदाचार
शब्दों में भर रोकने के उपाय
धमाके और नये-नये खुद्कुश
व्यभिचारियों के नये तरीके
शोषण ग्रस्त समाज, परिवार
बच्चों, स्त्रियों पर ज़ुल्म के
नये नये पुराने से समाचार
कुछ नहीं बदलता है यहाँ
बस कुछ तारीख, स्थान, नाम
बाकी सब कुछ है बदस्तूर

दूर से

दूर से
शोख अंदाज़ पे उनके तो हम
पहले ही ज़माने से फ़िदा हैं
अब तो उनकी आहट भी हमें
संगीतमय सी सुनाई देती है
उस पर उनकी वो मुस्कराहट
दिलकश अदाएं अदाकारी भी
हमें बस दीवाना बना देती हैं
कोई शमाँ तो नहीं फिर भी
हमें परवाना बना जाती हैं
जलती शमाँ के आगे न जाने
कितने जल जाते परवाने हैं
पर हम तो वो परवाने हैं
जो दूर से नज़ारा करते हैं

दूर से

दूर से
शोख अंदाज़ पे उनके तो हम
पहले ही ज़माने से फ़िदा हैं
अब तो उनकी आहट भी हमें
संगीतमय सी सुनाई देती है
उस पर उनकी वो मुस्कराहट
दिलकश अदाएं अदाकारी भी
हमें बस दीवाना बना देती हैं
कोई शमाँ तो नहीं फिर भी
हमें परवाना बना जाती हैं
जलती शमाँ के आगे न जाने
कितने जल जाते परवाने हैं
पर हम तो वो परवाने हैं
जो दूर से नज़ारा करते हैं

Saturday, December 11, 2010


तब मैं चाहे यदा कदा सही
कर दिया करती थी तुमसे
अपनी अपेक्षाओं का बखान
अब मैं दोहराना नहीं चाहती
तब के मेरे उस व्यव्हार को
तुम समझ नहीं पाओगे इसे
मैं तुम्हें दोष भी नहीं देती
पर समझाना भी नहीं चाहती
मैं जानती हूँ यह भी अलबत्ता
तुम कभी समझ नहीं पाओगे
फिर भी दोषारोपण नहीं करती

Friday, December 10, 2010


Unknown powers showering
Their blessings on all of us
We are unaware and unknown
From where and why it is for
For what good deed of ours!
We think a bit and forget it
Finding it bit too complicated
And a bit mind boggling too
Get busy with our daily ways
In own typical ways of ours!
Enlightenment comes to some
Never everyone’s cup of tea
We do get what we deserved
Sooner some time or later too
Whatever destiny, deeds ours!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


भूल जाना चाहता था मैं
पुरानी जिन आवाजों को
वो अब भी बुलाती हैं मुझे
पंचम सुर में पुकारतीं हैं
मानो पूछती हुई मुझसे
कहाँ तक कोशिश करोगे;
कितनी दूर भागोगे?
हम तो अचल हैं हमेशा
व्याप्त मन मस्तिष्क में तेरे
जितना भुलाना चाहोगे
हमें ही तो याद करोगे!

Banana Republics

Banana Republics
Snatching power to become ruler
By any of the hooks and crooks
Who cares about the citizen here?
They anyways like the gimmicks
Patriotism and nation building is
Far away from their favorite flicks
What people feel, think or suffer
Has nothing to do with their tricks
Only purpose sounds fascinating
To the politicians, their side kicks
Make merry become rich overnight
In most of these banana republics!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Comparative Contentment

When its going tough to bear with the adversities; leave them to the fate! Of course do what you can and must, without any sense of overbearing with the efforts. My experience in lif tells me that things workoutand improve with the patience and time. So what! If one didn't get the course of events or happennings in the most desired ways!

Life teaches us a very important lesson of comparative contentment! If I am relatively better of in sime or most areas as compared with many or most people, I am bound to be contented that I have done well (or better)in life. But the comparative contentment tells you that comparatively more contententd; in spite of all the adversities and shortfall of expected results of your effots and circumstance!

One who shall be more contented; shall lead a happy and peaceful lie!

Monday, December 6, 2010


जिनसे सीखी थी वफ़ा हमने
उन्हीं ने है अब मुंह मोड़ लिया
दर्द का ही सही पर हमने तो
उन्हीं से है रिश्ता जोड़ लिया
पास वो न भी हुए तो क्या
उनकी यादें आस-पास तो हैं
हमने हमदम के इशारे पे
कहीं का भी रुख न किया
अब भी जीता हूँ बहुत खूब
मैंने किसी से गिला न किया
वक़्त की दरिया में बहकर
समंदर का दीदार कर लिया

Saturday, December 4, 2010


हाँ मैंने भी फैसला लिया है
हर बात अक्षरशः नहीं मानती
एक गुल गुलशन में देख
मैं उसे गुलज़ार नहीं मानती
तुम जिसे ज़रूरी मानते हो
मैं तो उसे फ़िज़ूल हूँ मानती
मेरी ज़रूरत सिर्फ तुम नहीं हो
मैं तुम्हारी सोच नहीं मानती
मैं विद्रोही अभी नहीं बनूँगी
तुम्हारी हर बात नहीं मानती
मखमल का ही सही, परन्तु
मैं वो पैबंद बनना नहीं चाहती
तुम्हें अगर है इनकार तो कहो
मैं हर बात आभार नहीं मानती

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In your words and thoughts
I find the vital reassurance
When dark clouds overpower
The path of the shining sun
I look at you and the fate
For solutions that may be
Content, intent and extent
When just confuse me around
I seek the solace with you
And your advise dear to me
I may be at loss momentarily
But I regain my inner strength
With all your words of wisdom
I feel once again reassured

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Random thoughts

Human mind is weird machine
Unstable,unstoppable its way
Impressions keep vacillating
Some retained few fade away
Processing of thoughts here
Complex routes and yet stay
One moment its one and then
Intermittant in random way
Oh! So many thoughts in maze
Around varied subjets sway
Single, multiple; and many
All round and all the day
Nothing is more fascinating
Than random thoughts I say

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Emitting light of the low intensity
Lightens things lost in the darkness
Just as the positive attitude could
Brighten our lives with goodness
Weird are the ways of the World
No one learns lessons of darkness
We find with little effort and light
What we misplaced in the darkness
Envision the light of yours in you
Visualize within all its brightness
Darkness will show you the path
To reach out dazzling brightness
A ray of hope will bring sunshine
Enlightenment ensures goodness

Sunday, November 14, 2010


जो था उसे बिसराकर मैंने
क्या क्या कल्पना संजो दी
बसंती पवन के इंतज़ार में
मैंने शरद की बयार भुला दी
शिशिर के शीत में भी मगर
बसंत की मादकता दिखाई दी
बसंत आ तो गया था, मगर
बसंतीं पवन में खुशबू कहाँ थी
कल के इंतज़ार में बस मैंने
आज की थी अवहेलना कर दी
फिर भी इंतज़ार के लम्हों में
मैंने ज़िन्दगी ख़ुशी से बिता दी

Friday, November 12, 2010


The hustles and bustles begin
In this small lovely, quite city
Here come the tourists now
From almost all nationalities
The ‘Lake side’ the favorite
Paradise for all the tourists
No longer has town slept at six
Li’l girls doubling up to help
Parents in small restaurants
Smiles and cuteness retaining
The town has everything to offer
To each one’s different tastes
Locals too joining to witness fun
Of the autumn and winter days
In this ‘tourism friendly’ town


The winter chill around
Whispering in my ears
Said to me affectionately
You’ve known me for years
I am just reminding you
Now get on to winter gears
I am pleasant for everyone
Welcoming in winter wears
Be remain assured always
Won’t takeout sweat yours
Enjoy season and my glory
Wear favorite colors yours
I will keep cautioning you
With more intense whispers

Monday, November 1, 2010


I like the lights and the spirit of Diwali the festival of lights.

But in its name the rich people exhibit extavagant ad pompous behavior of spending lots of money in firecrackers and fireworks, causing polution and also having the 'demonstration effect' on the poor teens and kids spending the hard earned money of the family wastefully! The gambling in diwali is meancing in may parts of North India.

Now we have the added problem of the adulterated and harmful sweets in the market. Some people are so cruel that they indulge into such dangerous marketing tactics of making money!

I call upon all my friends to go back to the simple ways of celerating diwali with lights, prayers; and getting together.
Happy Diwali to all:)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

इक बार

मेरे प्यार की खातिर तू
इक बार जो लग जा गले
दिल में पत्थर बसा लूं
तेरी यादें भुला दूं
हसरतें मैं छुपा लूं
हर वो लम्हा भुला दूं
तेरे साथ क़दम जो चले
इक बार जो लग जा गले
दिल की धड़कन छुपा लूं
ये जहाँ भी भुला दूं
दर्दे दिल आजमा लूं
दर्द के गीत गा लूं
प्यार का नाम ना लूं
कुछ भी एहसास कर ले
इक बार तो लग जा गले


मैंने स्वीकार तो कर ली है हार
किन्तु मैं कभी हारा नहीं हूँ
मेरी अपने ही दृष्टि में सही
मैं पूर्वाग्रहों में घिरा नहीं हूँ
मेरी हार में भी विजय हुई है
मैं इस मर्म को बिसरा नहीं हूँ
तुमसे तर्क वितर्क नहीं करता
किन्तु मैं कोई बेचारा नहीं हूँ
मैं हँसता भी संजीदा ही हूँ
किसी गम का मारा नहीं हूँ
मेरे जीवन में बहुत सुख है
दर्द का तलाशता सहारा नहीं हूँ


तुम चाँद की तरह कभी यहाँ
मेरे जीवन में घूमते मत आना
किसी का परावर्तित प्रकाश
तुम मुझे दिखा मत इठलाना
वो मुझसे बहुत दूर ही सही
फिर भी मुझे गंवारा हैं बहुत तारे
उनका अपने प्रकाश में टिमटिमाना
बन सको तो तुम कोशिश करना
मेरे इर्द गिर्द सूरज बनकर
अपने प्रकाश में चमचमाना
अंधेरों को प्रकट होने से पहले ही
प्रकाशमय कर देने की चेतावनी देना
हर शाम के धुंधलके में भी मुझे
एक नई सुबह की याद दिलाना

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I guess!

In my solitude around
I think of all my days
Past, present and future
I do have fond memories
Of deeds and convictions
Friends and companions
Most people around me
These get me going in present
Will continue in future too
To improve, reform and excel
In all spheres and relations
Through my good deeds, efforts
Help build, improve systems
Society and people’s thinking
Until the very last moment
In utmost positive manner
I guess!

करवा चौथ

आओ प्रतिवर्ष की भांति इस बार भी
मैं अपना करवा चौथ का व्रत करुँगी
तुम्हारे वर्ष भर के अत्याचारों को भी
एक बार फिर से आज बिसरा ही दूंगी
तुम्हारे कर्म-कुकर्म जान कर के भी
मैं तुम्हें सुधरने का नया अवसर दूंगी
तुम्हारी समस्त त्रुटियों को जान बूझकर
मैं इस अवसर पर फिर माफ़ कर दूंगी
मेरा क्या! मैं तो अपना धर्म निभाऊंगी
हाँ मैं तो करवा चौथ अवश्य मनाऊँगी

Thursday, October 21, 2010


हर कोई ढूंढता है यहाँ किसी का सहारा
बनते कम ही हैं लोग औरों का सहारा
कुछ लोग प्रयास तक भी नहीं करते
अपने से इतर एक सोच रखने की भी
उनकी मानसिकता में बसते हैं शब्द
'मैं भला किसी का कैसे बनूँ सहारा
मुझे खुद सहारे की है यहाँ तलाश'
उनकी स्वार्थी व हेय सोच देख भी
लोग 'नेकी कर दरिया में डाल' देते हैं
उनकी दृष्टी में निस्वार्थ होना ग्राह्य है
स्वार्थी चाहे उन्हें बेवकूफ ही समझें
वो अपना दृष्टिकोण बनाये रखते हैं
दुनियां उन्हीं के दम पर चलती है
वे ही बनते हैं ज़रूरतमंद का सहारा

Thursday, October 7, 2010


हम नहीं आएंगे तुम्हारी राहों में
कभी कहीं कोई रोड़ा बन कर
इतना तो हक है हमारा भी
भटकेंगे कोई दीवाना बनकर
तुम तुम्हारी ही राह में चलना
हमसे अलग अनजाने बन कर
हम ज़माने में दर दर भटकेंगे
मोहब्बत की शमाँ थामे रखकर
वक़्त ने चाहा भी तो मत मिलना
हम भी चल देंगे किनारा कर
हम तो गुज़ारा कर ही लेंगे
वक़्त के ही हर थपेड़े खाकर

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

कुमाऊँ की महिलाएं

कल की यादें जैसे आज भी ताज़ा सी थीं
गाँव की कर्मठ बच्चियां और स्त्रियों की
हर भेदभाव और शोषण के चलते भी
एक जीवंत अंदाज़ में कर्तव्यपरायणता
अभाव के बीच सपने और किलकारियां
कुछ करने की ललक और उनके सपने
शहर में रहकर भी वे हर द्वन्द से जूझतीं
शिक्षा, कामकाज भी के हर क्षेत्र में बढ़तीं
कामकाजी स्त्रियों का समन्वय का प्रण
परिवार, व्यवसाय के बीच व्यस्त क्षण
कभी हार न मान भी चुपचाप रहकर
नियति मान हर हाल में खुश दिखकर
अगली पीढ़ी को भी सदा प्रेरित करतीं
उनकी गगनचुम्बी उड़ान के मंतव्य को
प्रतिक्षण निश्वार्थ वे सबका साथ निभायें
धन्य धन्य हैं वे सब कुमाऊँ की महिलाएं
....actually relevant for most Indian and South Asian Women:)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


अपना आशियाना जलाकर हम
निकले थे रौशनी की तलाश में
रौशनी के हर कतरे की तरफ
हमारे हर क़दम बढ़ते गए थे
हर चीज जो अज़ीज़ थी हमको
दूर ही होती गई थी यहाँ हमसे
ना रौशनी ही रोशन कर सकी
हमारे सपनों से इस संसार में
ना मंजिल ही मिल पाई हमको
इस गहराते हुए से अंधकार में
फिर भी हम बढ़ते ही रहे हैं
दूर उसी रौशनी की तलाश में


तुम मुझे मेरी तस्वीर से मत आंकना
मैंने भी संजोया है एक सुन्दर सपना
अगर हो सके तुमसे तो फिर ज़रा
कोशिश करके मेरे अन्दर झांकना
मन के मिलन की कुछ बात अलग है
ये तुम अपने मन को भी समझाना
दूरियां तो रहेंगी ये है एहसास मुझको
करीब आने की कोशिश ज़रा करना
राही हैं सफ़र के हम दोनों भी यहाँ
हमसफ़र ही हमें भी समझ लेना

good things

When you do one good thing in life, atleast two come back to you at a later date. But, one can come to you instantly, that's your own appreciation that enhances your self-esteem...Udaya Pant

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Knocks

Happiness was miles away from me
At least that's how I perceived
Life sounded like a misery to me
In spite of all efforts and deed
I looked for reasoning and logic
Took time and moved in slow speed
Look around with interest and see
You sure find happiness mind said
I started liking small li'l things
Unnoticing, happiness too appeared
Then I took more interest in people
All were like me and also confused
I set aside targets to be smiling
Every small moment of joy I laughed
Started looking in to the positives
Negativity had nearly disappeared
I don't care for happiness anymore
And it keeps knocking at my door

Sunday, October 3, 2010


मुझे आज एक बार फिर बदस्तूर
इंसानियत पर तरस आ रहा है
भीड़ में ही चलता रहा है मगर
हर शख्स अलग को दौड़ रहा है
किसी के साथ नहीं जाना चाहता
उसके साथ भी वहां कोई नहीं है
हर कोई मौके की तलाश में सा
अव्वल नंबर की दौड़ में भागता है
अकेले दौड़ कर अव्वल ही आएगा
ये जानकर भी मानता नहीं है
उसके साथी कागजों और खातों में
सिर्फ नाम के और अंक ही हैं
उसका समाजशास्त्र और इतिहास
अंकगणित के नंबरों सा ही है
उसका भविष्य भी इसी तरह
रेखागणित के प्रयोग की तरह है
इतने सारे नंबर पा लेने के बाद भी
इंसानियत में बस सिफ़र पाया है!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


रहनुमाई में खुदा की तो यहाँ
हम सभी इस ज़हां में जी लेते हैं
तुम्हारी रुसवाई में तो फ़क़त
एक हम ही गुज़ारा कर पाते हैं
बिसराई हुई मोहब्बत वो तुम्हारी
जीने का सहारा हमें दे देती है
किसी बीते हुए लम्हों की तरह
अक्सर ज़ेहन में चली आती है
ये भी एक एहसान था तुम्हारा
याद तो हमारी हमदम बनती है
आज भी हमारी मोहब्बत इधर
रोज़ तुम्हारे इर्द गिर्द घूमती है

Friday, October 1, 2010

Relevance of Gandhi and Non viloence

Gandhi advocated his ideas on society and systems in very simplistic and practical ways. The whole thoughts move around truthfulness, non-violence, equality; and liberty with social responsibility.The World today needs to emulate all these ideas and practice them to make the earth worth living.

It was apalling and unfortunate that Gandhi was not given Nobel Peace Prize!If he was not awarded, no one else derserved it!Gandhi in any case was beyond such recognitions, individually; but as a civilized society we are ashamed to note this that such well known awards are also motivated by the polticsal and hegemonic reasons!

Gandhi of course is the people's choce all around the World for the 'super peace prize of the people'! Nothing is more relevant than the 'non viloence' today!


आओ आज हम भी कुछ ज़ज्बाती हो जाएँ
दुनियां की छोड़ अपनी ख़ुशी के गीत गायें
वक़्त की हिफाज़त में अपनी ही कुव्वत से
दो पल को ही सही तन मन को महकाएं
कर लें वो सारी गुफ्तगू जो भी दिल में हैं
हमें छोड़ कुछ पल को सब कुछ भूल जाएँ
साँसों के जज्बे से आती आवाजों को पहचान
हम भी अपने छुपे से मुक़द्दर को आजमायें
सब कुछ भुलाकर हम भी औरों की तरह
अपने ही अलग ढंग से करामाती हो जाएँ

Religion is Private

It is a sense of great relief and proud moment to witness Indian politicians, media, the religious leaders talking and speaking in favor of communal harmony and abiding by the court orders.This actually shows the maturity of te stakeholders, general public and others; of course the manifestation of this maturity if emboldened and bolstered by the Hon'ble court's judgement proniunced.

If no one tells an infant and child to folllow certain religious practices, religion will be just another thing for him in the society. One can still choose to be follower of any religion on option; without being too fanatic and resorting to the religious frenzy.

In any case no religions excludes any of the creations of the universe and its salvation approach.As a matter of fact, "God is goodness personified." It is important to have faith on spirituality, without actually following particular religion/s.

Also true is the fact that the religion is not just a social institution; it did develop to control the political power in the society; at least the politicsal power centres.It was then used to prescribe certain common socail and behavioral norms; and canventions to be followed by the population. If one treats religion as purely private matter of the individuals (not groups)there is no case for social stress due to religion and religious practices.

I also rate religions as important and private social institution. If we can be tolerant to almost everything others do in their private capacity (subject to not abridging the similar behavior and rights of others; why cann't we leave everyone else alone to practice his religion; and follow our own - in all our own specific way!

In your small way

There may be divergence of views and thousands of opinions about the global warming and climate change; but we have witnessed the climate change in the past few years.One opinion that is for sure to take home for everybody is to conseverve the ecosystem, natual and forest resources,reduce emissions and do our bit to protect the environment.

Each one of us in outr small ways can contribute to this from one's side. Using bio-degradable products and waste management at home can be the easiest way for the people at thier home level. Environmental awareness in the family is crucial and we all can do our bit on this. Green surroundings and planting of trees, plants in and around our homes is another small way. Conserving energy, use of recycled products like paper add a lot to the effort with your small way.There are many other samall things that we can start doing and motivate others to do to make our planet safe and green! Try all that you your small way..:)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


हम चाहने वाले हैं पतझड़ के भी
सुनहरे पत्तों के आभूषणों से सजे
शिशिर ऋतु की शीतल बयार में
सुन्दरता में चार चाँद लगे हुए वृक्ष
पतझड़ के क्षण मानो बरसाते से
मिश्रित रंगों के पत्तों के ही फूल
हर दूर होते पत्तों के मंतव्य में
नई कलियों का प्रस्फुटन होकर
नवजीवन के स्वागत की तैय्यारी
नए रंगों की मचलती कोंपलों की
कलियों को भी संवारने की चाहत
यही तो इस पतझड़ का क्रम है

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

अमन का पाठ

धर्म के नाम पर कोई सियासत मत करना
खुद भी तुम जियो और हमें भी जीने देना
कहीं हो न जाए चूक कोई भी इस बारी
लगने तुम नहीं देना कोई कलंक इस बारी
वतन की बात जब आये तो फिर क्या है
हिन्दू या मुसलमान हो फर्क दोनों में कैसा है
साथ में हम खेले थे साथ हम बड़े हुए हैं
अमन के रास्ते हमने सभी मिलके बनाये हैं
जब जब भी सियासत हुई धर्म पर भारी है
हमीं ने ही यहाँ अमन की स्थिति उबारी है
मोहब्बत की दिलों में दुनियां हम संभाले हैं
अमन का पाठ ही हमको मज़हब से है लेना
धर्म के नाम पर कोई सियासत मत करना

Marriage of Convenience

He had been singing songs of love
Often spoke very highly about her
Her qualities as wife, companion
In his own unique romantic ways
Times passed, love had now faded
Romantic words became arguments
Of his living life in fulfilling way
Developed several love interests
Romance once again at its peak
But with different people, places
She still was optimistic about him
And was willing to face her fate
In eventuality of being deserted
Gave him all benefits of doubts
He was happy with the situation
Was his marriage of convenience

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


समझ पाना कठिन न सही
पर बिडम्बना वही अब भी
वही प्रश्न हैं आज भी यहाँ
परिस्थितियां बदल गई हैं
कल भी तो हम जी रहे थे
विरोधाभासों में से अनेक
आज भी आलम वही है
स्पष्ट राह भी अनजान है
कल भी यही होगा शायद
धीरे धीरे सही, अवश्यमेव
हमें आदत सी ही जाएगी
विरोधाभासों में जीने की

Monday, September 27, 2010


She thought she would be there
One day, in her own dream house
Amidst all good but she also prevails
Where she called shots sometimes
She is the nucleus of their family
All looking up to and looked after her
She would bestow the benevolence
Shower all her love at everyone
Alas! This was not to be the reality
People and family used her always
In everyone’s own paths and ways
She carried her job and responsibility
Each one regarded this own duty
Selflessness in her yet prevailed
Selfish others walked in tandem too
No one would care for her feelings
She never got wanted surroundings
Life and people were unfair to her
She was fair to everything, everyone!


बड़ी जुगत से तुमने सँवारी है
ये बड़ी छोटी सी ज़िन्दगी अपनी
तुम इसे खूब संजोकर रखना
ये बस तुम्हारी ही है अपनी
झोंके हवा के तो आएंगे बहुत
कभी बड़ी तेज़ी से भी अपनी
तूफानों से तुम बचाए रखना
इनकी मुस्कुराहटें हों जितनी
आज भी कल भी बाद में भी
होंगी हसीं यहाँ नेमतें कितनी
जिन्हें अपना सको अपना लो
वहीँ होंगी यहाँ हमदम अपनी

अपराध भाव

वो हँसते हँसते जहाँ छोड़ गए
मेरे इस महफूज़ जहाँ की खातिर
उनके भी कुछ सपने रहे होंगे
उनके भी अपने ज़रूर रहे होंगे
सितमगर के सितम को मिटाने
मगर वो बस मशरूफ रहे होंगे
मेरे हिस्से की भी परेशानियाँ
वो खुद ही खुद झेल गए होंगे
मैं इस पर भी खुश नहीं हूँ
उनके तौर तरीकों पर भी मैं
कभी कभी तप्सरा कर देता हूँ
अपने रास्ते,मंजिल की ओर
फिर किनारा भी कर लेता हूँ
कितना भी छुपा लो, तुम भी
संकेत मात्र के ही प्रतीक हो
तुम्हारे संजीदा अल्फाजों में
अपराध भाव ढूंढ लेता हूँ

Sunday, September 26, 2010

अपने लिए

आ फिर ले चल मुझे आज
दुनियां की भीड़ से अलग
जहाँ मिल जाए मुझे भी
कुछ समय मेरे अपने लिए
मैं यहाँ भीड़ में खो गया हूँ
और इसी का बन गया हूँ
एक छोटा सा हिस्सा सा
यहाँ मेरे हिस्से का वही है
जो कोई छल बल प्रयोग से
मुझसे छीन नहीं लेता
या कोई और चुरा नहीं लेता
मैं इस संस्कृति का साक्षी हूँ
मेरे और मुझ सरीखों के
चाहे अनचाहे भी शायद यहाँ
बदलाव से भटकाव ही होगा
मैं तो बदल नहीं पाऊंगा
इसीलिए दूर चला जाऊँगा

Happiness Comes from Subtle Things

Happiness Comes from Subtle Things
Udaya Pant

Subtle things are more important in our daily lives than the important ones. What we always think are small or petty matters are actually the day today matters that keep us unhappy if ignored. A big thing can provide you reasons for happiness once a while but small things can cause you tremendous stress every day! There are the things I prefer to address as the ‘finer aspects’. We shall discuss a few of them in the succeeding paragraphs. Medieval India’s famous poet Rahim says “when you sight the big, do not discard the small ones; where you need a needle what can a sword to?”

Manage your Ego: We all have egos, pride and certain degrees of self-respect. All these are essential facts of our personality. But a little bit of overdose in ‘ego’ can be counter-productive at all times. Try to find the reasons of your ‘ego’, if you find them positive ones convert it into pride; or else wash it off by positive thinking. Meet a friend who knows all about you, visit a teacher or any enlightened person in case you find it difficult to do it on your own. We just have to understand the cycle of pride to ego, and back to pride; and again to normal situations. It is simple only if you try it.

Make Friends: The first basic principle of friendship is that it is always at equal level. You may be of different nation, religion, age or sex but the friends are always on a one to one basis. This is what makes friendship so important. What you can never tell so many people close to you, you can unhesitantly tell your friends. You can discuss important matters, advise each other or argue on everything but with good understanding and reasons to help each other. It is often a kind of complimentary relationship for mutual benefits and concerns.

Appreciate Ground Realities
Some of us never felt happy with the amount of attention we got from our family and parents without realizing the actual reasons for that. Today we may appreciate that within the available time, circumstances and resource perhaps that was the best we could have got. Some people who live in a joint family as senior citizen think that their younger ones are not caring for them enough! These can be very tricky things. You must appreciate that you have lived your productive period of life and the others are now living it or aiming for the same.

Win Over the ‘I’ Problem
While it is very important in life to protect yourself – respect and self-esteem, it is also equally important to shed the ‘I’ bias or ‘we always’ syndrome. You are very important for you and may be others too; but if your actions, thoughts and efforts are always ‘I-centric’ others will also stop caring for you and you will be rightly branded as a person who suffers from ‘I-problem’!

Be Bold and Practical
There is a saying that if you keep doing things like you have always done them, what you will get is what you have already got. Loes Holtz says, “you’re never as good as everyone tells you when you win, and you’re never as bad as they say when you lose.” You do not have to necessarily follow the paths and methods prescribed by others. Each one of us is different and faces different obstacles, chances and circumstances. As Linda Ellerbee said, “only dead fish swim with the stream.” You have to be optimistic, cautious, bold and practical to face the challenges and realities which have the opportunities hidden behind them for you.

Always lend a helping hand
Every living being wants to be cared for and get the concern of others. Human beings expect much more than the other being for reasons of their being a rational and social animal. No one likes to be in the company of some one who lives life a parasite or lives on the work done by the others. If you are the earning member of the family, your duties and responsibilities do not end with the providing of money for the household needs. You still need to lend a helping hand in shopping for provisions, cleaning the house at least occasionally, dusting and arranging of books and documents in the house, changing the settings of furniture etc. in the house once in a while, play with children and help them out to quench their thirst of the growing curiosity, participate in the family and community celebrations with active involvement, caring for the senior citizens in the family and around and so on.

Retain and maintain your curiosity
The best known curiosity is the curiosity of a child and we all have it or had it but never did we find our curiosity fully answered. That kept us bringing this far in life and will take much beyond. With the curiosity in life we found new answers, reasons, experiences and thoughts of our own! No one can convince us till we are convinced by ourselves. “Curiosity”, says James Stephens, “Will conquer fear even more than bravery will.” Such is the importance of curiosity in life that without it our lives may become redundant and stale!

Understand the Dynamics of Relationships
The best thing about relationship is, as once Susmita Sen (ex Miss Universe) once said, “It is about sharing and caring.” No relationship can be unilateral for long be it family, society or friends. More you give ‘in a relationship is the secret to ‘get back much more.” Everyone likes to have at least normal relations with any one else and friendly and still closer relations with people near and dear to us. Trust and understanding are the key to sustain a relationship and yes, it has to be always mutual. Even if it is unilateral sometimes the ‘trust’ and will make it roll-back to be mutual within no time.

Be creative
Creativity has nothing to do with age, place or persons; it is omnipresent in various forms and degrees. Brenda Ueland says, “I learned … that inspiration does not come in like a bolt, nor is it kinetic, energetic striving, but it comes into us slowly and quietly and all the times, though we must regularly and every day give it a little chance to start flowing, prime it with a little solitude and idleness.” Inspiration has a lot to do with our creativity to be put into action. Creativity is a personality trait of each one of us but few of us get inspired to tap its potentials.

Value the time of others
Many times we ourselves find that someone is wasting your time only to ‘lull’ his or her own time. For such people we always remember that proverbial saying, “If you have nothing to do, don’t do it here.” But we are not able to say so with authority and conviction at all times (rather most of the time). We must learn from our own experience that we may also be in the same boat when we do that to others. You must appreciate a simple thing that ‘you may have a lot of time but others may not’.

Be an Optimistic and Smiling Person
Everyone who is living in this world is optimistic in some way or other. Even the cynics and bragging people hope for better days and better things in life, at least for themselves. When I say here to be optimist, what I mean to say is have a positive outlook towards everything in life. See and hope for positive things out of negative events or circumstances also. This is basically the attitude development exercise. One cynic told long ago that ‘pessimists are the one time optimists with negative experiences in life! That’s nothing but a losers comment and I don’t care about such explanations.

Be a Good Companion
The whole thing about the companionship revolves around the mutual respect, care and concern. In any kind of companionship go beyond you are expected to prove to be a good one. It counts a lot on what we do for our companion, rather than what we expect of him or her.

Enjoy yourself Too
Most things we do in life are for others. To keep others happy or to get appreciated by one do a lot of things; but to keep ourselves happy we do precious little. You must take time and money out for your own enjoyment too. Eat good food to your taste and liking, go out and occasionally enjoy the drink that you like the most, go out with you exclusion friends sometimes. Bye good clothes of your choice. Spend money as cosmetics, for expensive toiletries etc.

Travel Locally and Outstations
You read about the story of the ‘frog of a well’ that I cited earlier. The mental horizon can be broadened most by direct experiences too. Mostly narrow-minded people are those who have not the surroundings, other people of different behavior; and the outside world! See the places, people, cultures, traditions, flora, fauna and nature adventure; when travel and feel the difference. Most of the people, who do not get time at their disposal as much they would have wanted to, have plenty of that when they travel out of their city or country. Spending money on holidays and traveling is an investment for both rejuvenation and to gain practical wisdom for a broad outlook in life.

Music Can Unfold Endless Happiness
Nothing is more peaceful transcendent, thought provoking, mind smoothening than music. Music can be a divine pleasure to hear, to play or to hum around. The eternal passion that one can develop of music shall stay as a every moment companion of a different world. One has to develop his or her liking for the kind of music; but as you grow you can develop taste for good music. The light classical and classical music may not be an all time favourite of all ages but these stay as sometime favourite of everybody.

Be Charitable
Being charitable is progressively fading away with the consumer culture. Do not forget at many times what we have achieved with the help (direct or indirect) and charitable nature of others. Even our parents could have thought that ‘it’s my life’ but no, they always follows to a great or small extent what they saw in the behaviour of their social and family traditions. These days a lot of people think that being charitable is being foolish and blowing up one’s hard earned money. You can find a paradox in their behaviour they would sulk in their personality if any one approaches them seeking charity of small amounts; but they would try to prove their charitable nature and satisfy their ego by being extra generous at a bar or restaurant or hotel!

Don’t Run After ‘Truth’, Unless You are a Philosopher
‘Truth’ is a relative phenomenon for the common people but for the thinkers and philosophers ‘truth’ is something that needs to be delved into. Most of the philosophers live in their own world and do not bother about individual instances. For them truth is a purpose which ultimately everyone sees from his or her own understanding and abstract thinking. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “Truth is what the voice within tells you”. “Truth is first to be sought for, and Beauty and Goodness will then be added unto you”, he said also.

Go Beyond Humans
Have you heard the animals singing and the different kinds of animal behaviour you ever noticed? There is so much to read, see, feel and listen to about the animals other than humans. Your interest in watching and listening to animal songs and watching their communication system can open the floodgates of a pleasure of a different kind. Even the whales sing long songs although from some of them you require special equipments to hear the low beat songs sung at the deep in the water. The hump back whales you can hear singing beautifully without any special equipment. The dolphins too sing around the surface.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Death of Gandhi

Yes friends! I am Gandhi far out of your reach
I do not want to come down and beseech
Earlier also I never tried anything to preach
I had only wanted myself to follow and teach!

Truthfulness, Non-violence and the Humanity
Governments to be as Trustees of the Society
Brotherhood and cooperation was your duty
Religion as the same truth but found in variety
Motto of individual to be of Kindness not of pity

I wanted to improve the lots of all our women
I expected your full support and cooperation
I wanted to be with toiling masses the nations
My heart was with all wanting independence
I thought they would further improve my ideas

I wanted to have ideal model of governance
where everyone has a stake and every chance
Downtrodden of Society were my loved ones
I always worked for them with my innocence
I viewed everyone alike and as the God’s sons

My esteemed desire and wish as a whole
True religion always played an important role
To develop the sense of social responsibility
And in pursuit of the truth for the humanity
Communal minds get change to the humanity

Now I am not around there but I can see
Lot of people I find continue to talk of me
I do feel flattered but very cautiously see
Are they trying to follow my principles at all?
Or are they linking my name only to be tall?

Frustrated I am watching the power game
The politicians play by quoting me or my name
I asked Nehru why did he want such a fame
Now see! We all bend our heads in shame
I wanted to dissolve Congress for the same

I wanted a classless and casteless society
Now, how my name people talk in some party
I do not blame any one but more to myself
Why did I create such a huge political party
Which has become a bane to my own variety

Now very often I talk to friend Nehru and Patel
It was much happier when we put up in the jail
There were no traces of hypocrisy of any kind
It was like struggling in the high sea to sail
Everyone had to do his job always without fail

I am not alive now but my spirit has lived
Gone are all those days everyone I believed
Now I can understand and listen everything
You cannot hide howsoever hard you tried
Come to my memorial with the loyalty divided?

Never would I have thought of the eruption
Of such a worst and cruel kind of corruption
Everyone is in it whatever the profession is
I can see spreading this now in every direction
Is this you all think I wanted to happen!

I was so fond my prayers and the Ram-Dhun
Ha! What a tune you gave O modern musician
I went to the sea shores to break ‘salt-laws’
Not with the pop music jeans and thy fashion
You have made my prayers a song of passion!

O my countrymen! Now you listen what I said
For my sake at least you treat Gandhi as dead
I did not die to be born again anywhere else!
I was killed by my friend Godse in 1948 once
But even now by you all everyday I get killed
You have gone so far that I withdraw my lead!!

High's and Low's

When we feel low at times, we tend to be negative. Surrounded by the negative thinking we force our thoughts to take a direction that is unwanted, unwarranted and irrational. We seldom realise that most events and activities have their tendency to have momentsof low and high.

We just have to anticiapte the low's, just like we anticpate high's and accept the patterns of high's and low's. Our momentay thoughts may be able to bring us back to the equilibrium of these facades of events and get used to accepting the wanted and unwanted; desired and undesired; anticipated but not materialized results.

Events and consequences have their own logical consequences. We need no worry too much or be happy excessively; as the state of results and consequnces may be momentaray and is susceptible to change. Worrying too much about anything is bad bad for thoughts and mind. We have to accept change in positive spirit and keep trying for what we want, without getting involved in the results status too much.

One of my Head Notes says, "Most things in life sound good in retrospect. The prospects will also be good; at least in retrospect."

Friday, September 24, 2010

दर्द की बहार

दर्द की सिरहन भरी बयार ने दी
दस्तक जब मेरे दरवाज़े पर थी
मैं सहम सी गई थी उस रोज़
मुझे हताशा हुई थी अचानक
ये मेरे द्वार कैसे चली आई थी
मेरे बिन चाहे बिना कारण ही
फिर मैंने किया सामना उसका
विकल्प था भी नहीं मेरे पास
अपने तरीके से स्वागत के सिवा
दरवाज़े को खोल दिया था मैंने
अब वो मेरे ही घर पर यहाँ
दर्द की बहार बनके बसती है


Living with oneself is intoxicating
With my own ways and thoughts
I develop understanding with me
The biggest rebel around I’ve seen
I could see the good and bad in me
My friends and enemies analyzed
The biggest enemy living within me
My great friends my own thoughts
More I realized more I enlivened
Joy and woes never had mattered
Each one playing reversible roles
What a contrast that lies within me
A wonderful experience and feeling


Whenever wars break out
New peace efforts too begin
When times running out
Making best use of begin
When we are very angry
The realization too begins
When love locks break in
Searching new horizons begin
When we laugh too much
Coming of tears too begin
When you are in isolation
Inner companions join in
It’s amazing to experience
Simultaneous action begin


When you walked into my life
My emotions smiled all the way
We lived the happiest moments
And then you had walked away
Now that you have left me alone
I am living my life some way
Why you keep knocking doors
Of my heart after walking away
It’s true that I’ve never forgotten
You in visualization all the day
I’m waiting for your realization
That might reunite us one day


When it gets going bit tough
Life becomes so very tough
Nothing seems work enough
Try smile have a loud laugh
Negativities recede quickly
Reasons sound good enough
Logical thinking does its bit
Up goes the happiness graph
Solutions will pave the way
So what if not soon enough
Life and its experiences come
In packages for sure enough


Why on this very earth!
Some people get away
With whatever they do
A very strange way
They wouldn’t care about
Their means and ways
Others abiding laws
Morality of the society
And all responsible ways
Yet to ensure enough
Justice and facilitation
For such good souls
We all do shy away
We share the blame
Because we stay away


He would always look for
The comforts he could get
And seek favors or demand
All time from others and me
Without an iota of concerns
For anyone else or for me
I grant this to him always
Costing my inconvenience
He wouldn’t care anyways
So would me at all times
‘Cause I consider this too
A difference in him and me


It’s raining as if will never stop
Has taken off the dust around
'But I know it would stop soon
And leave a lot of mud around
Would need sun to clear up
The mess created by the rains
The net effect would again be
The sweating and the humidity
Reminding us all of the cycles
Contrasts, fusion of humanity
A mess created by someone
Cleared by sweating of others
Enjoy the rain and its effects
And shades of life with humility
'The net effect would again be
The sweating and the humidity


I pleaded with him
For his disposition
To help me out of
My plight and position
He for sure heard me
But perhaps didn’t listen
Wasn’t apparently ready
To help my condition
The pep talk that he gave
And unsolicited suggestion
Made clear that he wanted
Wriggle out of situation
We often have to fight out
Our battles in isolation

Role Model

The raindrops are revealing
The intention of the water
Emanating from a cycle
Of water flowing through
Getting stored at its bodies
With helping hand of Sun
Wind chipping in a bit
In forming of dark clouds
Ready to remember the past
And cycle of origin of water
Recycling the benefits back
To their very own originator
Trying to do their own bit
Being role model for humans


Rhythms of dance and music
Expressions of the performers
Speak a lot about the emotions
And all their concerted efforts
Appreciations are most welcome
Like the much awaited showers
Of the awesome monsoon rains
After the prolonged duration of
The heat of the Indian summers
Some moments are cherished
Forever in sojourns of our life
So are the rhythms, tunes, forms
Of music and dance witnessed


When I went up high in the sky
Peeping through the window, saw
All your skyscrapers and towers
Your roads, bridges, water bodies
Big vehicles you so proudly use
The magnificent and tall structures
Your man made monuments too
Looking all so small insignificant
At best looking like the small toys
I saw the smokes and fumes too
Emanating from your own desires
Of developing the big industries
Then I saw the clouds in clusters
Looked like someone trying to
Cover your wounds with cotton
Rise up and realize the smallness!


I believed you on your words
You uttered them unfaithfully
For you they were just words
And never meant them really
I took them on face their value
Coming from you especially
I had my trust on your side
You had your reasons so silly
We both had our convictions
Me on the right you were folly
I stood for my trust and values
You belied all so ungratefully


Seeing things with the closed eyes
Is when one in love or thereafter
It’s a great feeling when in love
But not the same in other states
People in their life seldom realize
Seeing mostly the true believes
We all close the eyes and do see
That may actually be non-existent
It multiplication of the problems
When we also form the opinions
Not just us are the real victims
Also too our thought and actions


Living with oneself is intoxicating
With my own ways and thoughts
I develop understanding with me
The biggest rebel around I’ve seen
I could see the good and bad in me
My friends and enemies analyzed
The biggest enemy living within me
My great friends my own thoughts
More I realized more I enlivened
Joy and woes never had mattered
Each one playing reversible roles
What a contrast that lies within me
A wonderful experience and feeling

Thursday, September 23, 2010


फिर तलवारें निकलेंगी
मज़हबी फसाद भड़केंगे
आरोपों प्रत्यारोपों के
वार पर वार भी होंगे
चन्द लोग ही मिलकर
करोड़ों को भड़काएंगे
उभयपक्ष में ज़बरदस्त
प्रतिस्पर्धा के पल होंगे
और इन सब के बीच
गरीब लोग मारे जायेंगे
सियासी और मज़हबी
फिरकापरस्तों को हम
यों कब तक बढ़ावा देंगे
मंदिर-मस्जिद की जगह
स्कूल क्यों नहीं बनायेंगे?


I pleaded with him
For his disposition
To help me out of
My plight and position
He for sure heard me
But perhaps didn’t listen
Wasn’t apparently ready
To help my condition
The pep talk that he gave
And unsolicited suggestion
Made clear that he wanted
Wriggle out of situation
We often have to fight out
Our battles in isolation


When it gets going bit tough
Life becomes so very tough
Nothing seems work enough
Try smile have a loud laugh
Negativities recede quickly
Reasons sound good enough
Logical thinking does its bit
Up goes the happiness graph
Solutions will pave the way
So what if not soon enough
Life and its experiences come
In packages for sure enough


Whenever I close my eyes
World shrinks momentarily
I untie all the forgotten ties
And cherish interior within
The vastness of the universe
That precluded me around me
Is helpless to control myself
In dealing with me and mine
My thoughts, friends, deeds
And all of me, mine indeed
None other is closest to me
Than me, myself and mine
What a wonderful moment
And thoughts so splendid


इस शहर की सर्द शाम की
सुनसान राहों में चलते यहाँ
हल्की सी चलती सर्द हवा भी
बड़ा ही शोर सा मचाती है
हर पदचाप दिलाती है मानो
किसी के आने का एहसास
पीछे मुड़कर देखता हूँ तो
वही अनजान चेहरे नजर आते
वही गलियों के सन्नाटे हैं
फिर क़दम बढ़ते जाते हैं
अपनी मंजिल की तलाश में