Friday, July 29, 2011

Glimpses of Hope

The glimpses of hope
Knocking at my door
At times unseen and
Unheard, unnoticed
I take them whenever
Supplement my gains
Gaps in my ambitions
And for contentment
In my achievements
They oblige me always
Making my path of life
Bright and enlightened
If everything in despair
Hope gives reassurance

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

सिंहासन खाली करो ...कविवर दिनकर

सदियों की ठंढी-बुझी राख सुगबुगा उठी,
मिट्टी सोने का ताज पहन इठलाती है;
दो राह,समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।

जनता?हां,मिट्टी की अबोध मूरतें वही,
जाडे-पाले की कसक सदा सहनेवाली,
जब अंग-अंग में लगे सांप हो चुस रहे
तब भी न कभी मुंह खोल दर्द कहनेवाली।

जनता?हां,लंबी - बडी जीभ की वही कसम,
"जनता,सचमुच ही, बडी वेदना सहती है।"
"सो ठीक,मगर,आखिर,इस पर जनमत क्या है?"
'है प्रश्न गूढ़ जनता इस पर क्या कहती है?"

मानो,जनता ही फूल जिसे अहसास नहीं,
जब चाहो तभी उतार सजा लो दोनों में;
अथवा कोई दूधमुंही जिसे बहलाने के
जन्तर-मन्तर सीमित हों चार खिलौनों में।

लेकिन होता भूडोल, बवंडर उठते हैं,
जनता जब कोपाकुल हो भृकुटि चढाती है;
दो राह, समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।

हुंकारों से महलों की नींव उखड़ जाती,
सांसों के बल से ताज हवा में उड़ता है,
जनता की रोके राह,समय में ताव कहां?
वह जिधर चाहती,काल उधर ही मुड़ता है।

अब्दों, शताब्दियों, सहस्त्राब्द का अंधकार
बीता;गवाक्ष अंबर के दहके जाते हैं;
यह और नहीं कोई,जनता के स्वप्न अजय
चीरते तिमिर का वक्ष उमड़ते जाते हैं।

सब से विराट जनतंत्र जगत का आ पहुंचा,
तैंतीस कोटि-हित सिंहासन तय करो
अभिषेक आज राजा का नहीं,प्रजा का है,
तैंतीस कोटि जनता के सिर पर मुकुट धरो।

आरती लिये तू किसे ढूंढता है मूरख,
मन्दिरों, राजप्रासादों में, तहखानों में?
देवता कहीं सड़कों पर गिट्टी तोड़ रहे,
देवता मिलेंगे खेतों में, खलिहानों में।
फावड़े और हल राजदण्ड बनने को हैं,
धूसरता सोने से श्रृंगार सजाती है;
दो राह,समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।-

कविवर दिनकर जी...!!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

ऐसे आ जाना

तुम अचानक फिर आना
बिना कोई भी खबर किए
वही मदमस्त हँसी के खूब
ठहाकों से भरे अंदाज़ लिए
तुम्हारी खनकती चूड़ियों की
चिर-परिचित आवाज़ लिए
वो पायल छमछमाती हुई
वही मधुर सा संगीत लिए
मेरी हसरतों में भी कसर
आज न रह जाए कोई बाकी
तुम बस ऐसे छा जाना मेरी
नज़रों में बस जाने के लिए
तुम हर रंग में चली आना
सब रस मेरे घर-द्वार लिए

Thursday, July 21, 2011

उस्ताद शायर 'अकील नोमानी' जी की ग़ज़ल

महाज़े जंग पर अक्सर बहुत कुछ खोना पड़ता है
किसी पत्थर से टकराने को पत्थर होना पड़ता है

ख़ुशी ग़म से अलग रहकर मुकम्मल हो नहीं सकती
मुसलसल हंसने वालों को भी आखिर रोना पड़ता है

मैं जिन लोगों से खुद को मुख्तलिफ महसूस करता हूँ
मुझे अक्सर उन्हीं लोगों में शामिल होना पड़ता है

अभी तक नींद से पूरी तरह रिश्ता नहीं टूटा
अभी आँखों को कुछ ख़्वाबों की खातिर सोना पड़ता है

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


तुम्हारे सब्ज़ रंगों से सजी
बिखराती मुस्कुराहटों में
ज़िन्दगी का आगाज़ है
तुम्हारी नेमतों में परोसे
बेशुमार मनभावन रंगों में
जीने का हर एक अंदाज़ है
बिखरती सी ज़िन्दगी का
तुमसे मिलकर गीत सा बन
कैसी मीठी सी आवाज़ है
शायद तभी सभी लोग यहाँ
इसे ही क़ुदरत कहते हैं
ये ही अनोखे अल्फाज़ हैं


तुम्हारे उद्गारों की कड़वाहट
मुझे मायूस सा कर देती है
फिर भी मुझे इसमें तुम्हारा
मात्र व्यक्तित्व दोष दीखता है
उलाहने देकर प्रतिक्रिया में
तुम्हें फिर विवेचना की आदत है
मुझे विवेचना से क्या काम है
मंतव्य की समझ ही पर्याप्त है
तुम्हें अधिकार सोच का है
मेरा प्रयास बस समझ से है

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Common Man

Surviving in the rat race of
Each one looking for profits
At his expense, any ways
Anytime whatever means
Living with the politicians
With caricature like looks
Animated intents and aims
The unending rosy dreams
Coping with the inefficient
Arrogant public servants
Most with lose morals and
Very low levels of integrity
Whatever may be the way
The levels of ethics around
The ‘Worship the billionaires’
Being a motto of the society
Untold yet explicit exploitation
Hovers round the Common Man

Sunday, July 17, 2011


तुम मेरे ख़्वाबों को हक़ीक़त मत बनने देना
मुझे डर है कि हक़ीक़त में कहीं वो टूट जाएँगे
लाख बिखरे हुए ही सही नायाब से मेरे ख़्वाब
बस ये किसी रोज़ ख़ुद -ब- ख़ुद सिमट जाएँगे


तुम्हारे संसर्ग में मुझे कभी यहाँ
मेरा ही घर बार दिखाई देता था
ज़माने भर की तमाम नेमतों का
मानो सारा भंडार दिखाई देता था
तुम्हारी आँखों में आज भी बस
मुझे सब संसार दिखाई देता है
मेरी सिसकती सी ज़िन्दगी में
तुम्हारा ही प्यार दिखाई देता है
तुमने नहीं कहा एक बार भी
फिर भी मुझे हर बार दिखता है
निःशब्द बने होने पर भी मुझे
शब्दों का अम्बार दिखाई देता है

Saturday, July 16, 2011


है कौन विघ्न ऐसा जग में ,
टिक सके आदमी के मग में ?
ख़म ठोंक ठेलता है जब नर
पर्वत के जाते पाव उखड़ ,
मानव जब जोर लगाता है ,
पत्थर पानी बन जाता है ।
- रामधारी सिंह "दिनकर"-



Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart
attack, without help,the person whose heart is beating
improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only
about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However,these victims can help themselves by coughing
repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should
be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep
and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep
inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two
seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until
the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing
movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood
circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also
helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart
attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many
other people as possible about this. It could save
their lives!!


I thought I had understood life
And started loving living with too
My understanding proved deficit
More when I want to derive ‘profit’
Life continued to give me moments
Of the mixed bag full of wonderful
Yet, often the jittery moments too
May be trying to test my essence
Of living it with my understanding
I take the sum total of the lessons
The life keeps giving me untiringly
Like a good student in the school
Following the teachers’ instructions
With a zeal to learn more and more
Taking notes of the lessons taught
Unassuming with devout curiosity!


When all goes wrong....PUSH...!!
When u wish for something...PUSH...!!
When people don't understand u...PUSH..!!
When u wish for love....PUSH..!!

P -RAY....U -NTIL....S -OMETHING..... H -APPENS....!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

बंद मुट्ठी

उम्मीदें मेरी बंधी हुई हैं
किसी की बंद मुट्ठी में
क्या खूब सहारा है हमें
हसरतों में उम्मीद का
हमारा वज़ूद कायम है
दोनों की ही शिरक़त में
दोनों ही दिलासा देती हैं
ढूंढें जिस किसी हाल में
यही मेरा आसरा भी है
तसल्ली भी मुझे इसी में
इसीलिए खुश हूँ मैं
मुट्ठी के बंद रहने में

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Interesting..Vedic rituals lower contamination..???

Vedic rituals lower water, soil contamination: Scientists

New Delhi: The initial findings of a scientific study carried out during the Vedic ritual in Kerala show that the ancient Sanskrit chants, rites and smoke from the sacred fire accelerate germination of seeds in the vicinity and lower the level of microbe contamination in water and ambient soil, scientists said Thursday.

The ritual of "Athirathram" was held in Panjal village in Thrissur district of Kerala April 4-15.

The scientists researching the impact of the ritual on environment said the fire laced with herbs, wood, milk and the juice of Soma plant, the earliest known intoxicant, acted as a natural purifier. The Soma plant grows in abundance in the Western Ghats bordering Kerala.
A team of scientists said in a statement that "the studies showed encouraging results on the environment".
The statement by the Varthathe Trust, the organisers of the ritual, said: "There was preliminary evidence that the yagya (ritual) had a positive impact on the germination of the seeds".

The scientists led by V.P.N. Nampoori, former director of the International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT), had planted three types of seeds - cowpea, green gram and Bengal gram - around the venue of the ritual.
"The results showed that the growth was accelerated in the case of seeds on the western side of the altar in comparison to other sides. The effect was very clear in the case of Bengal gram which grew 2,000 times faster than the plants on the eastern, northern and southern side," Nampoori said.

Microbial analysis carried out at distances between 500 metres to 1.5 km of the location of the ritual to count the bacterial colonies before and after the ritual found that "ambient air and water was purer with low microbial count compared to normal circumstances".

An analysis on the dimensions of temperature from the flames of the "great ball of fire" generated by the Vedic priests using a slow ritual sequence of chants and sporadic offerings of milk, "soma rasa" and clarified butter into a pot holding the sacred fire found the fire ball had a "particular wavelength with unusually high activity similar to what was observed in typical laser beams at about 3,870 degrees centigrade".

The fire study was conducted by experts from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics in Bangalore.
Kerala-based Vedic scholar M. Krishnakumar said: "The scientific study was a pioneering endeavour to explore the effects of the ritual on people, environment and atmosphere."
Source: IANS


आतंकवाद के वीभत्स चित्र
परिचायक हैं आतंकियों
और उनके आकाओं की
घिनौनी मानसिकता के
उनके तथाकथित स्वार्थ के
इसके प्रतिकार स्वरुप
हमें रहेगा इंतजार उस पल का
जब पाले बदल जायेंगे
हमेशा की तरह ही
उनके गुनाहों की सजा
स्वतः ही मिल जाएगी उन्हें
फ़िलहाल हसरत है हमारी
अपराधियों को सजा हो
वो आकाओं के नाम बता दें

Sunday, July 10, 2011

आँखों की मुस्कराहट

उनकी आँखें भी अक्सर
मुस्कुराने सी लगती हैं
कभी खुद को कभी मुझको
बस आज़माने सी लगती हैं
कभी ख़ुशी में और कभी
कुछ समझाने सी लगती हैं
कभी अपने ही ख्यालों में
वो इतराने सी लगती हैं
कभी कोई जानी पहचानी
शरारत सी करने लगती हैं
कभी छुपाती हुई सी कोई
कुछ परेशानी सी लगती हैं
कभी रूहानी कभी रूमानी
कभी अनजानी सी लगती हैं

Friday, July 8, 2011


नाक़ाम सही पर काबिले गौर है
की तो थी हमने भी थी कोशिश
मुक़ाम तक न भी लाए तो क्या
तबीयत आज भी हो रही है खुश
कि वो गुलशन हुआ था गुलज़ार
हमें आज फख्र है इस बात का
हमारा भी वक़्त आया था कभी
वक़्त की याद तो ओझल हो चुकी
बस अब एक एहसास ही बाकी है
कुछ और हो न हो ये भी है सही
कोई तो उधार अभी तक बाक़ी है

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


उलझनें उलझनों में फंसती रहीं
ज़िन्दगी की ख्वाहिशें बढ़ती रहीं
कोशिशों की कोशिशें होती रहीं
वक़्त की भी करवटें बदलती रहीं
आहटें भी बस आहटें करती रहीं
हर ज़गह थे हम मगर थे तुम नहीं
किसकी जानिब कौन है हर कहीं
जानते थे और इल्म भी कोई नहीं
हमकदम हमराह भी थे हर कहीं
रूह को पर चैन तक आया नहीं

बिखरे से

कहीं किसी अनजाने
खोये से लम्हे में आज
खोये हैं मेरे ख़याल
वक़्त या तारीख़ का
अंदाज़ा नहीं मुझको
एक अज़ीब ओ ग़रीब सी
कशमकश में मानो
उलझ रहे हैं मेरे ख़याल
बेइंतहा और बेखयाल से
बिखरे से हैं मेरे ख़याल

Monday, July 4, 2011


That Is Attitude…

1. Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Just pray for a better umbrella. That is attitude.

2. It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life. But it’s important how well you play with the cards which you hold.

3. Every problem has (n+1) solutions, where n is the number of solutions that you have tried and 1 is that you have not tried. That’s life.

4. When flood comes, fish eat ants & when flood recedes, ants eat fish. Only time matters. Just hold on, God gives opportunity to everyone!

5. One of the basic differences between God and human is, God gives, gives and forgives. But human gets, gets, gets and forgets. Be thankful in life!

6. Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship, it's not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till ending.

7. Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make with them, Wall or Bridge ? Remember you are the architect of your life.

8. Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end, God smiles from above and says, `Relax dear it’s just a bend. Not the end'. Have Faith and have a successful life.

9. Only two types of persons are happy in this world. 1st is Mad and 2ndis Child. Be Mad to achieve what you desire and be a Child to enjoy what you have achieved.

10. When you feel sad, to cheer up just go to the mirror and say, `Damn I am really so cute` and you will overcome your sadness. But don’t make this a habit coz liars go to hell.


With the tremendous progress
World witnessing globalization
Came along with this were ours
Widening of the new horizons
The followings and adaptations
The exposure and assimilations
The individual and also global
Changing multifarious relations
The cross cultural celebrations
Also came with this all about
Our changing new aspirations
Flexing of the muscles by nations
Business, cut-throat competitions
Narrowed individual perceptions
Our ever growing apprehensions

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Stupid Reason

He was trying to test me
Perhaps without intention
I too was not like myself
Started doubting intention
We both started arguing
Both suck to our own stand
Sticking to individual line
No flexibility was shown
Both started giving instances
From the past settled already
The old wounds got exposed
Like always and every time
Bitterness grew bigger
Then silent protests sulking
Couple of days then passed
Both realizing the problem
Man-made and non-existent
Thus prevailed the reasoning
That all was for stupid reason

Lingering Desires

The untold stories
Unfound people and
Eluding achievements
We all have them
But I seldom worry
About my very own
Unfulfilled desires
I am happy always
About achievements
My zeal to achieve
Much more in my life
In my own ethical way
Without getting hasty
Achievers too have
The unfulfilled and
The unachievable but
The lingering desires

Friday, July 1, 2011

Why men store fat in bellies, women on hips

Why men store fat in bellies, women on hips
ANI, Jan 3, 2011, 12.00am IST
Researchers claim to have answered the age-old question of why men store fat in their bellies and women store it in their hips - the fat tissue is almost completely different, genetically speaking that is.

"Given the difference in gene expression profiles, a female fat tissue won't behave anything like a male fat tissue and vice versa," Dr. Clegg said. "The notion that fat cells between males and females are alike is inconsistent with our findings."

In humans, men are more likely to carry extra weight around their guts while pre-menopausal women store it in their butts, thighs and hips.

The bad news for men is that belly, or visceral, fat has been associated with numerous obesity-related diseases including diabetes and heart disease. Women, on the other hand, are generally protected from these obesity-related disorders until menopause, when their ovarian hormone levels drop and fat storage tends to shift from their rear ends to their waists.

"Although our new findings don't explain why women begin storing fat in their bellies after menopause, the results do bring us a step closer to understanding the mechanisms behind the unwanted shift," Dr. Clegg said.

For the study, researchers used a microarray analysis to determine whether male fat cells and female fat cells were different between the waist and hips and if they were different based on gender at a genetic level.

Because the fat distribution patterns of male and female mice are similar to those of humans, the researchers used the animals to compare genes from the belly and hip fat pads of male mice, female mice and female mice whose ovaries had been removed - a condition that closely mimics human menopause. Waist and hip fat (subcutaneous fat) generally accumulates outside the muscle wall, whereas belly fat (visceral fat), a major health concern in men and postmenopausal women, develops around the internal organs.

In addition to the genetic differences among fat tissues, the researchers found that male mice that consumed a high-fat diet for 12 weeks gained more weight than female mice on the same diet. The males' fat tissue, particularly their belly fat, became highly inflamed, while the females had lower levels of genes associated with inflammation. The female mice whose ovaries had been removed, however, gained weight on the high-fat diet more like the males and deposited this fat in their bellies, also like the males.

"The fat of the female mice whose ovaries had been removed was inflamed and was starting to look like the unhealthy male fat," Dr. Clegg said. "However, estrogen replacement therapy in the mice reduced the inflammation and returned their fat distribution to that of mice with their ovaries intact."

Dr. Clegg said the results suggest that hormones made by the ovaries may be critical in determining where fat is deposited.