Saturday, December 8, 2012

New Power

We never believed it would be so
That definition of progress as such
The wealth being the parameters
Might ones would be right so much
Individuals prevail over everything
Leaving at back burner others kept
The shine and sounds of the shoes
Of combatant army when parading
Superior powers those with them
Weapons’ arsenal to kill en mass
Ways to take always precedence
Over their means furthering ends
Self to be the mottos themselves
Egos keep clashing with the prides
Diplomacy a synonym of threats
Politics the betrayal of the people
Relationships weighing with lust
Breaking family and social bonding
Leaving the responsibility of those
People destitute, poor and the old
Nothing else to matter except gold
More becoming less always for all
Serene locations converting to cities
Redefining jungles with concrete
Abuse of all laws and authorities
In the name of serving the people
Each one trying the fool other one
Becoming the order of New Power

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