Saturday, September 29, 2012

Stop Criticizing Politicians and Governments; Start Becoming Change Agents

Blaming the governments and the politicians has become a popular fashion among people all over the World!

Who are the members of the legislative bodies? They rightly claim to be our representative; because we have elected them to be so.

What is politics? It is the umbrella under which groups of people with different ambitions and agenda keep planning to be at the helm of affairs; by convincing/luring the supporters to get a majority view in their favor!

Now what is left to blame? Certainly we the people of any country! Knowingly or unknowingly we elect parties and people to govern us. So stop bitching about the politics, politicians and the governments!

Are you ready to become the change agent? Do your bit!

What we can do the least is to practice what we want to preach others to do! Everyone must analyse his/her role in the society, nation; and global systems. You are not a drop in the ocean; but the ocean is made from the drops. In your own way, means and aptitude do good and feel happy about. You are the master of your fate, ethics, behavior and deeds! If majority of people start doing their job sincerely and with commitment, the society in the next 10 years will become so different and likable!


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