Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Our lives start from and end up in a zero

We don't know what exactly we want, where we want to reach; and what we actually want to achieve! To me, all calculations in our lives start from and end up in a zero!

We often dream, think and aim big to achieve the heights. After reaching the heights even mid-way we start getting feelers of having left the grounds away from us and wonder if the path we chose was actually right. The confusion of thoughts, dreams and aim advises us to keep going up; and doesn't ever guide to reach the state of the maximum!

People who are the beneficiaries of all our struggles and pursuits also stop thinking on advising us on this and we steadily reach the points of no-return. Now, the same people who aspired and admired us in all our pursuits brand us as overambitious and fools; those never balanced our life's needs and joy! Initially we laugh away all such criticism; but slowly start getting concerned about such criticisms.

Thee phase of introspection then steps in and we start getting empathetic with ourselves; a syndrome that recognizes that we never treated ourselves like 'us'!But then after all the introspection and loads of thinking and analysis we get confused further. When seek external advise we rarely get the true or honest and unequivocal advise from anyone. Here comes the helplessness we feel about ourselves and our future plans at that late stage in life.

Finally we conclude that there no point pondering over on all this and go on as we can anyways we chose our ways and paths ourselves; and there is no going back until it becomes impossible for whatever reasons. This is the static yet compulsive carrying on on the selected path at any consequences.We repent and convince ourselves at the same time about the chosen path, ways and unending destinations.

Go on but have no guilt feeling and don't repent. Everything in life gets balanced out and averaged out. Anyways the net result is zero; so why worry; do what you can do and feel best for you and yours! As long as you keep the 'zero' in minds,the feeling of contentment shall get you going and keep you happy all the time! Amen!

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